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Natural Methods to help recover from Gastric Bleeding

I  was admitted to a hospital due to a recent gastric bleeding episode. The cause was drug induced. The dosage for a UTI drug that was given to me was too strong for my body which resulted in my gastric stomach to bleed. The dosage was 750 mg per two days antibiotic. At that moment, I never knew what gastric bleeding looked and feel like, I haven't had experiences, so the first symptom I felt was an intense burning sensation in my stomach, it lasted for days until on the fourth day, I had involuntary bloody diarrhea, since I never had any experiences about it before I had was surprised to see blood in stool and decided to seek a health professional. Immediately, I was sought for confinement. The medical practitioners are rattled as they say I looked pale like a ghost, which I always am but maybe worse this time. I was surprised to see how alarmed they are when they found out about my condition and they said, if untreated, could result to shock and lead to death. When I was interviewed, they asked why I did not immediately sought medical help from emergency when I had the bleeding. It actually took me 10 hours at morning when I sought for help and had gone thru long line of patients already, they are surprised I am even standing up with the amount of blood I had lost during that moment.

So to share to you how I had remedied my issue, I had been given a good natural method to remedy gastric bleeding.

During onset of involuntary bloody diarrhea,

1. Secure Physical safety from external injury.

During this period, Dizziness and loss of blood and pain are factors which can contribute to faintness, before that happens, immediately call someone near you to assist you as there might be a huge possibility that you'd faint and go blank. Do not stand up immediately and maintain a hold to anything that can help you get to the nearest couch or bed.

 Do not attempt to clean the blood yet, our priority is that we make sure that you will not go into shock. Do not be nervous, even if you see blood, try to relax yourself.
If you feel cold, get a warm blanket and wrap yourself, try your best to warm up as we are losing blood and hypothermia is one factors that contributes to shock.

2. Close the wound temporarily and rehydrate
You'd probably think its impossible to close an internal gastric bleeding, however it is possible, with the law of Physics, we will conduct vasoconstriction thru temperature regulation. Drink a cold glass of water with ice, let someone assist you and do not move too much. Do this once you can feel that your strength is coming back and the pain becomes bearable. It will give you cramps but its important that we immediately close the lacerations first and stop the bleeding to prevent further shock. Never apply hot compress of you will induce bleeding further. Drink and rehydrate while you can this is vital.

3. Get Fiber foods
Now lets address our stomach acid fron further damaging the stomach, get any fiber foods, like Banana, Cabbage, and my one little secret is C-lium fiber. Fiber has capacity to become a buffer for your stomach acids which greatly prevents further damage to the wounded linings and the C-lium fiber actually stops the pain in instant.

I am selling this per pack for $30,  shipping not included.
Email me for orders at

To prepare, place all contents of fiber with iced cold water, as plenty as one glass and drink continously to rehydrate. It acts as absorber and cushion in your stomach, greatly relieving any pain naturally.

Do these methods simutaneously while keeping yourself warm.

Once the ambulance comes or taxi comes to pick you up. Do not stand up immediately, if possible have a wheel chair or have someone to hold you. Do not lower you head as this might cause even more dizziness. Get warm blankets with you and rush to the Emergency room as soon as possible.

During Confinement,
1. Do same routine and drink cold water + fiber foods.
By this time, you might have been under prazole intravenous drugs to alleviate pain, but do not rely solely on that, continue drinking as much water as you can and C-lium fiber for faster healing process. It took me only 2 days and at the fourth day, I am discharged.

2. Eat white , non- oily, non colored soft foods on time.
During confinement, my diet was white, non-dark colored foods including veggies and chicken for us to closely monitor if there would still be streaks of blood in my stool, gladly, at the second day, my stools immediately returned to brown thru eye judgement, but of course, my fecalysis laboratory result was able to detect that there is still presence of blood.

You should eat on time, get an alarm clock to set a specific time that you should consume foods, since it was too painful for me at that time i practiced eating small, but frequent meals. Eating on time will prevent stomach acids to aggravate your condition and promote full recovery in healing and strength.

Stay away from citrus foods as this might induce acidity.

4. Relax and rest
When you are finally stable, bleeding might occur again thru high amounts of stomach acids, and that would happen when you feel stressed, so do not think of any other problems and let them go for a while, enjoh the moment that you are at rest and given attention at the hospital and avoid any issues that will lead to emotional breakdowns.

After Confinement,

1. Get away from stress
That seems to be impossible but it would be best for you not to think of any stressful situations as this will re-open that wound.
Get your meditation mats and surround yourself with calming music to help you. Take weeks off from work for full recovery.

2. Do light exercise
You might think that even a small movement can aggravate your condition, so you'll be laying down in your bed 24/7, but the truth is that will not help you recover faster. Doing a 30 minute light stretches is our key to fully recover and heal. Not only does it promote good circulation but it also stops stomach activity from producing too much stomach acids.

3. Try Cayenne Pepper and coconut juice
I thought fron the first time i heard it was absurd, but when I tried, it actually works, there was once when I was in pain and hungry, I saw from articles along medical websites that cayenne pepper infused foods help in the recovery, so I tried it, I thought itd hurt, but it didnt and the most surprising way it helped increase appetite while coconut juice provides the sweet and soothing freshness in my meals. As for some, this methods might be weird but I have done it and it proven effective.

4. Avoid alcohol and fatty foods
I know sometime around there you will feel that you're cured, since you do not feel anymore pain, but I tell you, this condition holds the title of fastest to reoccur. So try to be mindful of what you consume. The main truth is it takes at least 3 months for full recovery with proper diet, exercise and medicinal routines,  This is internal bleeding that we are talking about and unlike those that are on external surface of the skin where it can heal in days or weeks this condition easily can happen again so dont be overconfident of neglect your body care process from here onwards.

5. Live a normal life and have fun, but never neglect.

You can get going and have fun but be conscious on what you consume and stick to what is good for you, and have lots of laugh. Remember that laughter is the best medicine.


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