This is a further expanded explanation from the steps taken by my friends who survived CoVid-19 the story is on ReshaDollyPrincess blog: All stated solutions are taken in moderate and controlled amounts: 1. Vomiting and Diarrhea Solution a . Rehydration and Isotonic Drinks - Proven studies and researches of how oral solutions helps adults & kids rehydrate with the use of commercially available rehydration or sports drinks source: During Inflammatory and Infectious Diarrhea, disruption of the epithelium due to viral or microbial cause triggers diarrhea. The destruction of the Epithelium would cause the discharge of serum and blood into the lumen, as well as lowered water absorption. Thus, resulting in excess sodium, water, and electrolytes. b. For vomiting, Salted biscuits or corn chips - it has been recommended even to pregnant women who experience nausea and vomiting to try saltine cr...